During this time of social isolation, I’ve been reflecting on my life and have come to realize that I’ve often reserved the words, “I Love You,” for only a few people who are closest to me in my life. “Why is that,” I’ve wondered? Love is not a scarcity that I need to preserve and to sparingly dole out. Not only is Love the greatest power, but it is infinitely abundant.
So I offer you this challenge: Send a short note of love to three people every day for 30 days. You don’t think you can think of 90 people that you have had a connection with? Ha, do a quick check of your friend’s list on Facebook! Assemble a list of family, friends, co-workers, Facebook friends, phone contacts, and email contacts. You’ll be surprised how many contacts you actually have.
The note can be very short, but just make sure it says, “I Love You.” You can easily create a template that you can copy and paste to each person, adding a couple of lines that speaks of your particular connection with that person and voilà, you will have lovingly touched a heart, that I promise, will be grateful.
If only one out of ten people on your list answers this challenge and they in turn, send out three “I Love You” notes a day, 810 hearts will have been touched. If 10% of the folks they have reached respond to the challenge, then the numbers balloon to 7,290. And if 10% of that group does the challenge, then 65,610 hearts will be touched, generated from your original 90 love notes. Wow, an explosion of love!
The pandemic has put the world on pause, giving us the opportunity to reevaluate what is most important in our lives. Let’s create a world where we don’t hold back from telling people that we love them. Love is the greatest power—let’s use it and celebrate it! We are all in this human journey together, interconnected in ways beyond our knowing, like cells in the body that are separate but serving the whole.
I implore you to take on this challenge, taking a few minutes each day, for 30 days, to connect your heart to another by saying, “I Love You.”