Be The Miracle

Every moment offers us the opportunity to see miracles. Whether it’s the incredible functions of our brains, the complex relationship between trees and the air they purify, or the marvel of childbirth—we are surrounded by the miracles of life. With carbon-based bodies made of the very elements that comprise our physical planet, we are a grand miracle.

Seeing miracles connects us to the magic of life and keeps us in a place of wonder. That’s the space that comes so easily to children who have not yet been tarnished by so much busyness that they fail to notice. Maintaining that place of wonder is a miracle, for most of us don’t do it. Yet it’s always there for us. We left it—it did not leave us.


The key to seeing miracles each day is to look for them.


 In addition to becoming aware of the miracles that surround us, we can actively be the miracle. In the physical world, a tsunami can be created by a single shift in the earth’s tectonic plates.  A single act of love can likewise be transformative. History is replete with examples of those who have achieved greatness and who in turn credit something done by a parent, a teacher, a stranger, or a friend that served as a catalyst to propel them to that level of high functioning The ripple effects of our positive actions are often not as easy to see as a tsunami, but they are no less powerful.

Our loving actions create miracles. This concept can seem foreign if we don’t believe that acts of love truly do create extraordinary and positive outcomes. By being what is needed rather than focusing on what we need, we become a living expression of love and a positive agent for change in the world.


Living Your Best: A Powerful Blueprint for Personal Transformation is a remarkable pathway to a life of greater happiness and well-being. Based on five core principles, this easy-to-use system will transform your thoughts and behavior so you are consistently at your best. Grounded in wisdom that transcends the ages, the “Five Principles” are universal in their application.

What make this book unique is the rich tools and exercises which help you integrate the principles so they become a practical force in your life. Arranged in a flexible format, this program can easily be tailored to accommodate your personal needs and schedule.