Being What We Truly Are

I am a spiritual being who has come to this planet to make a positive difference, yet I have been addicted to achievement and ice cream. I am a divine being and a part of the Universe. At the same time, I’m a father of two children, a husband, and a...

Love as a Doorway

We are at a most exciting precipice! On the crest of a new dawn, we are awakening to the realization that we are connected to others in a way we could never before comprehend. We are discovering the truth that we are all a part of something much larger. There is not...


Did you know that a flea can jump eight to ten inches high and more than a foot horizontally? That’s more than 350 times its body length. In human terms, it’s like someone jumping the length of a football field! However, it is not difficult to impair the jumping...